Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers 2kg - 9kg

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  • Regular price £17.99

Our founder became interested in fire extinguishers at the age of 10 and went on to build a collection of over 300 (odd we know). Having used so many extinguishers over the years, it became apparent how ineffective many of the units sold for domestic use could be. Units with 600g of powder have a discharge time of just 3 seconds - by the time you've aimed it at the fire, the unit's empty.

In contrast, our range of ABC powder fire extinguishers have a much larger capacity, providing a powerful fire fighting capability. Dry powder is ideal for the rapid knock down of fires from a wide range of fuel sources and is safe for use on electrical equipment.


  • ABC dry powder, suitable for class A, B and C fires, together with electrical fires.
  • Fire test ratings (minimum): 2kg 13A 70B, 3kg 13A 89B, 4kg 21A 89B, 6kg 27A 144B, 9kg 34A 183B.
  • Exact model supplied may be PowerX or Commander depending on stock availability.
  • Due to courier restrictions, we can only ship fire extinguishers within the UK.